New Building Projects

Facilities Development to support Teaching and Learning is an integral part of the School's present 5-Year Strategic Plan (2022-2027). Introduced below is the ongoing New Building Projects Plan and implementation schedule.


As highlighted in the Strategic Plan item 5. Campus estate and Infrastructure - Providing contemporary learning spaces that support curriculum and forward thinking in teaching and student learning methods forms the basis of the new building / facilities development. New buildings designed to be suited to the latest and future needs have been built and are in progress for being built during the next 5 years. This includes renewal and upgrade of physical facilities and classrooms at the campuses, both primary and secondary.

Overview of Progress on the New Building Projects

It has been a busy few years and will continue to be for several more as the key building projects  are started then completed in a rolling programme to ensure that the impact of the construction work does not negatively affect the students learning.

Phase 3 of the Secondary Campus - Completed 2020.

With the students using this new facility it is easy to see the power of great learning facilities on student learning as this high-tech and beautiful building. Two first-class gymnasiums, a dance studio, weights room, and spacious classrooms set up for the 1:1 device learning and innovative and flexible furniture set up, has been received positively boosting pride within the school for the faculty and students, but also the effectiveness of teaching and learning taking place within.

New Middle Years Building @ Primary Campus

In order to improve facilities for all secondary age students aged 11-16 (French, German and British secondary sections) and also supporting the major new initiate of the British Secondary Section's move to the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), the go ahead for this fit-for-purpose building was approved in 2020.

With some available space, on the unused carpark at the rear of the present Primary campus, the construction of the new building can take place without impacting the secondary and high school students nor the primary students. This 5-story structure will include a new auditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria, green space terraces, and state- of the art learning spaces which will compliment the task-based learning approaches of the MYP and secondary programmes across the French and German programmes.

Secondary Campus Upgrades

The Phase 2 Building will be renovated and repurposed to provide specialist learning facilities for music, drama, technology, science as well as multipurpose theatre, library and Dining area. The Facade and Landscape will also be given a makeover. The full interior development will take place once the Middle Years Building has been completed at the Primary Campus location, with the students 11-14 taking classes in the new building there will be sufficient space to undertake the interior renovation and not impact the learning spaces needed for the High School students.

The oldest building Phase 1 will be knocked down to be replaced by sports fields and an underground bus loading bay and car park. Phase 1 will be initiated on completion of the Phase 2 renovation.

Groundbreaking Ceremony - Middle Years Building (2024)

Anticipated Timeline on New Building Projects

Article from the TES CONNECT WINTER 2021

First page of the PDF file: Connect_2021_Winter_NewBuildingProjectsfortheAdvancementofLearningFacilities