At TES we are constantly surrounded by supportive, kind teachers and a superb learning environment that teaches us to not only overcome mistakes but also strive for new experiences.
I really Like the spaces in our school. They make me want to learn and explore different subjects.
In the French Section, we learn three languages so we have many opportunities to communicate with other people.
I like all the nice teachers. It makes coming to school fun and interesting.
The Chinese lessons are super fun, we learn language we will use in our daily life!
At TES, we have awesome adventures with things like CCAs and school trips, making school life super interesting and enjoyable. This allows us students to express ourselves through creativity, sports and academics.
At school, I particularly appreciate the colourful mix of cultures, which enables me to make friends with people from all over the world
School is a lot of fun. It inspires me to be more confident and brave in all parts of my life.