Pedagogical Quality Management
All German Overseas Schools within the network “German Schools Abroad International” (”Deutsche Auslandsschulen International”) are obliged to offer education and school quality of the highest standards. The Central Agency for Schools Abroad (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen, ZfA) systematically supports the German Schools Abroad in implementing their development projects as part of their pedagogical quality management.
The supporting and subsidising government agencies have codified the internationally recognised quality standards in the “Quality Orientation Framework of the federal government and the Länder for German Schools Abroad”.
After the successful Inspection (Bund-Länder-Inspektion, BLI 1.0) in September 2010 the German School Taipei was awarded the quality seal “Excellent German School Abroad” (Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule).
The BLI 2.0 inspection in 2016 certified that we not only consistently meet the quality standards set by the German federal government but also have significantly improved in many areas.
The intermediate inspection in November 2019 showed that we are well on the way to BLI 3.0, which is expected to take place in 2022 or 2023.
Regular consultation from the process support of the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA)
The ZfA process consultant of the North East Asia region visits the school regularly and provides advice.
Follow-up of quality development
In all teacher conferences, in the steering committee for quality development and in project groups of teachers, parents and school authorities, the approaches to teaching, organisational and personnel development are constantly being discussed and further refined.