Head's Welcome - German Section
Welcome from the Head of German Section
Watch our video to learn more about our Section
Willkommen bei der Deutschen Sektion der TES, welcome to the German Section. As Deutsche Schule Taipei, we are the German School in Taiwan that is certified and supported by the German government. We are the school of choice for all families interested in German education following German curricula.
Andreas Hilsbos, Head of the German Section
Things You Should Know
The key benefits to joining the German Section
Find Out More
The unique features of the German Section
Through play we develop children's fundamental skills and enable them to become independent.
Grundschule / Primary
We support each individual to develop their fundamental skills, their values and their whole person.
Sekundarschule / Secondary
Increasing integration of German and English leads to British and German certificates after Klasse 10.
Oberstufe / High School
The Mixed Language IB (GIB) is the ideal preparation for university in Germany or anywhere in the world.
Student Voices
Meet some of our students