Co-Curricular Activities
The holistic opportunities provided by the extensive Co-Curricular Activities programme (CCAs) are key to enabling students to learn and flourish, pursuing their interests and passions beyond the curriculum.
Bringing Students Together
The CCA programme across both campuses brings together students from all sections of the school, celebrating our diversity through extensive enrichment opportunities.
CCAs at the Primary Campus
CCAs are offered each semester from a wide range of activities including sports, performing and visual arts, STEAM and languages. Our CCAs are led by our teaching staff, or by specially recruited coaches.
Primary Campus CCAs at a Glance
In addition to sports, arts and music, which are strongly represented in the programme, other options at the Primary Campus include:
Construction Club, Garden Club, Film and Animation, Junior Architects, Flying Model Planes, Chinese Storybook Club, Zentangle Art, Cultural Arts and Crafts Club, World Scholar's Cup, Math Club, and language clubs including Dutch, French and German.
CCAs at the Secondary Campus
Similarly, the Secondary campus offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities in sports, performing and visual arts, academic clubs and societies. Our CCA programme is intended to complement the educational experience in the classroom, and provide students with a balance of academic, social, competitive, performance, and leadership opportunities.
Secondary Campus CCAs at a Glance
In addition to sports, arts and music, which are strongly represented in the programme, other options at the Secondary and High School level include:
Vex Robotics, International Award, Model United Nations, Chinese Calligraphy, Creative Writing, History Bee & Bowl, Film Society, PEAK school magazine, High School Theatre club, Debating, Chinese Cuisine, Pride Alliance and other student led CCAs.