Health and Safety
An essential duty of care is the preparation for all potential emergency, security, or health situations, and this is managed both at campus level as well as at whole school level.
Health, Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness
Vigilance in all these areas is one that is undertaken across all parts of the school faculty and staff.
At the daily level it includes supervision of students from first thing in the morning, through break, lunch and also after school.
At an institutional level it involves such work as: caretakers doing playground equipment checks, cafeteria staff ensuring the highest levels of hygiene when serving food, bus monitors delivering students home safely, leadership preparing for emergency situations.
Health and Cleanliness
The Nursing Unit is based at both campuses and the highly trained team ensure illness and injury are managed both effectively and with compassion. However, first aid training is also conducted every year with faculty and staff.
With an outsourced cleaning service maintaining the highest levels of cleanliness for the campus throughout the school day and a evening crew taking care of the daily mess created, the students and staff feel that their teaching and learning environment is always maintained to the highest standards.
Entry to the campuses is tightly controlled by both an ID card swipe system and a security company. Access to and exit from the campuses requires parents/staff/visitors to bring their ID and then wear on campus at all times. There is a Parents/Visitor code of conduct that all agree to when on campus.
Emergency Preparedness
Crisis management is taken at campus level with a team of leaders and key staff on an Incident Management Team. The annual preparation of training on Emergency protocols to staff and students is managed by this team and regular practice drills are essential to the process.
At school level, the Leadership Team takes the overview of all Health, Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness. This ensures that a consistent and efficient process in all these areas is upheld.