Future Pathways - University and Careers

The University and Careers Counsellors (UCC) guide students throughout their four years of High School. Students are supported to make informed decisions regarding their course selections, standardised testing, career options, and university applications. 

The UCC Curriculum

The UCC curriculum covers the four years of High School, beginning with lessons during Core in the first year and extending to fortnightly lessons and regular individual meetings by the final year of High School. Students officially start to meet with their assigned UCC in January of their H3 (Year 12) year. 

H3 is the most crucial time for students as this is the time when they need to research different universities and application systems, develop their university list, and take all necessary exams for university admission. H4 is when students complete their applications and finish the process by earning the IB grades needed for admission.

In addition to working with students, the university counsellors also host parent presentations and parent coffee meetings to ensure that parents are informed and can best support their children during this process. 

University representatives who are interested in visiting our school can find information here.

Academic Profile 2023-2024

First page of the PDF file: 2023-2024TESAcademicProfile_0922