Positive Education
In the British Secondary and High School section, we are committed not only to caring for the wellbeing of our students and teachers, but also to actively educating our community about how to live a happy and fulfilled life, creating the conditions for flourishing.
Wellbeing at the Centre of the Academic Journey
We put wellbeing at the centre of the academic journey. Through the Core curriculum (our equivalent to Personal, Social, and Health Education), all students are provided with an opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments; the ways in which they’ve utilised their characters strengths; and how they’ve overcome challenges. Students in all year groups have one eighty-minute lesson per week.
Grow Portfolio
All students in the British Secondary and High School keep an online Grow Portfolio to document their experiences, using the Five Ways to Wellbeing as their guide:
- Connect
- Be Active
- Take Notice
- Keep Learning
- Give
In Core, all students receive lessons centered around the work of Dr. Martin Seligman's PERMAH model. This has been proven to help students understand themselves better; to know what drives them; what helps them to be at their best; and to learn how they can foster positive habits and behaviours.
Positive Emotions
Assessment on Wellbeing in Education (AWE) Survey
At the beginning and end of each academic year, all students and teachers take the Assessment on Wellbeing in Education (AWE) survey. This helps us to understand how we are feeling academically/professionally, socially, emotionally, and physically. The AWE results are discussed with each student by a member of the Pastoral or Senior Leadership Teams. These conversations help guide what aspect of the student's wellbeing they may want to work on.
Our aim is to provide students with the toolkit and skills they need to develop resilience, to be able deal with the challenges life throws at them.
Other areas that Positive Education filtrate throughout the school are:
Mindfulness at the start of examinations
Character Day, celebrated each year
Kindness Week
Access to counseling services (students and staff)
Professional development for all BSHS staff on student and teacher wellbeing
Ongoing pastoral support throughout a student’s school life
Assemblies run by staff and students promoting wellbeing.
Events and activities run by the Student Council to promote positive relationships
Team building days and trips
Parent events to educate our wider community about wellbeing
Regular guest speakers for students, teachers and parents (in person and online)
A coaching model underpins our Positive Education programme. Teachers understand how to lead GROW coaching conversations (Goal; Reality; Options; Way forward) with students, and regular training takes place. Students, particularly those in leadership positions, are also given opportunities to develop their own coaching skills.
Some teachers progress to a more advanced level of coaching in order to provide professional coaching for colleagues as part of our commitment to ongoing professional development for teachers.
Mental Health First Aid Training
In the British Secondary and High School, we know the importance of training staff to be able to identify, understand and respond to students with particular needs. Each year a trainer is brought out from the UK to train staff in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) so they are better equipped to offer students the support they may need. MHFA is a skills-based training course over two days that teaches participants about mental health and other related issues.